Graduate students navigate the UN online 3 March 2014
 UNIC Reference Assistant Ms. Nazanin Ghaemmaghami-Farahani and some graduate students of international law and international relations |
Another workshop in the series of UNIC-Tehran and Iranian Association of UN Studies activities to broaden the UN knowledge of intellectuals, students and researchers, was held with the participation of 8 graduate students of international law and international relations at the UN conference room on 3 March 2014.
 Some graduate students of international law and international relations |
UNIC Reference Assistant Nazanin Ghaemmaghami addressed the students on how to retrieve UN documentation and information from UN, UN in Iran and UNIC websites and on the Dag Hammarskjold Library’s (DHL) web page.
Ms. Ghaemmaghami focused on structure and organization and gave an overview of important DHL research tools including Research Guides, the United Nations Bibliographic Information System and UN Info Quest.