Commemoration World Humanitarian Day in Qazvin

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Qazvin – Disability Association of Tavana (DAT) commemorated World Humanitarian Day by holding a festival for a group of top students in Qazvin, capital of the Qazvin Province on 16 August 2017. Some 1000 students and their families, local officials, members of the DAT Board of Directors and a group of DAT personnel participated in this ceremony which was held at the DAT conference hall.  
Renowned Iranian singer, Mr. Salar Aqili (second from right)

Qazvin – Disability Association of Tavana (DAT) commemorated World Humanitarian Day by holding a festival for a group of top students in Qazvin, capital of the Qazvin Province on 16 August 2017.

Some 1000 students and their families, local officials, members of the DAT Board of Directors and a group of DAT personnel participated in this ceremony which was held at the DAT conference hall.

Renowned Iranian singer Mr.  Salar Aqili performed his song “Vatanam” or “My Country” on the occasion of World Humanitarian Day. His wife played the musical instrument for this song.


Participants at World Humanitarian Day Festival in Qazvin

Afterwards, Director General of Culture and Islamic Guidance Bureau of the Qazvin Province, Mr. Akbar Eskandarinejad awarded a portrait to Head of the Board of Directors of Disability Association of Tavana, Seyed Mohammad Mousavi as a philanthropist and an activist for the disabled persons’ rights. The portrait had been illustrated by an artist from Qazvin.



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