December 2017- Commemoration of Human Rights Day

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TEHRAN – The Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) in partnership with University of Tehran’s Faculty of Law and Political Science and United Nations Information Centre (UNIC), commemorated Human Rights Day in the presence of some 90 university professors and students as well intellectuals by holding a seminar at University of Tehran’s Faculty of Law and Political Science on 9 December 2017. The seminar entitled “Achievements and Failures of Promoting Human Rights after 7 Decades since adoption of Universal Declaration of Human Rights: From International, Islamic and Iranian Law Perspectives” opened by the Secretary of IHRC Dr. Hassan Ziaeefar’s remarks followed by UNIC’s Mohammad Moghadam who delivered the UN Secretary General’s message on Human Rights Day.  
Eight-square meter painting on human rights

TEHRAN – The Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) in partnership with University of Tehran’s Faculty of Law and Political Science and United Nations Information Centre (UNIC), commemorated Human Rights Day in the presence of some 90 university professors and students as well intellectuals by holding a seminar at University of Tehran’s Faculty of Law and Political Science on 9 December 2017.  


Participants at Human Rights Day seminar

The seminar entitled “Achievements and Failures of Promoting Human Rights after 7 Decades since adoption of Universal Declaration of Human Rights: From International, Islamic and Iranian Law Perspectives” opened by the Secretary of IHRC Dr. Hassan Ziaeefar’s remarks followed by UNIC’s  Mohammad Moghadam who delivered the UN Secretary General’s message on Human Rights Day.

Then, University Professors Dr. Seyyed Mohammad Hashemi, Dr. Mohammad Reza Ziaeibigdeli, Dr. Davood Feirahi,  Dr. Mohammad Reza Dehshiri and Dr. Hossein Sharifi Tarazkouhi delivered speeches on different issues of UDHR including intellectual and historical aspects of human rights, review of human rights from the international law perspective, world of Islam and UDHR, achievements of UDHR and different views on human rights. 


From left to right: Dr. Ziaeefar, Dr. Hashemi,Jjudge Heshmat Rostami, Dr. Ebrahim Beigzadeh and Dr. Sharifi Tarazkouhi.

The United Nations Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights educational video that was subtitled in Persian by UNIC interns, was screened for the audience.

At the end of the seminar an eight-square meter painting by art students from the Faculty of Art of Payme Noor University as well as a group of artists from Reza Abbassi Museum on human rights was unveiled. 





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