17 May 2018- Briefing on UN (UN4U) for Azad University students

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A group of 12 under graduate students and professors from the Faculty of Law of Azad University in Parand, 33 Km. southwest of Tehran, were briefed on the UN, its history and main organs as well as SDGs by UNIC National Information Officer Mohammad Moghadam at UN conference room 17 May 2018. He also answered the participants’ questions. Copies of the Persian version of UN System Chart, UDHR, UN Charter and UN Cards were given to the participants.  
Students and professors from the Faculty of Law of Azad University in Parand

A group of 12 under graduate students and professors from the Faculty of Law of Azad University in Parand, 33 Km. southwest of Tehran, were briefed on the UN, its history and main organs as well as SDGs by UNIC National Information Officer Mohammad Moghadam at UN conference room 17 May 2018.

He also answered the participants’ questions. Copies of the Persian version of UN System Chart, UDHR, UN Charter and UN Cards were given to the participants.


Students and professors from the Faculty of Law of Azad University in Parand
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