Students of rural development navigate the UN online
UNIC Reference Assistant, Ms. Nazanin Ghaemmaghami and some 6 graduate students of rural development (Azad University) |
The United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) helped some 6 graduate students of rural development (Azad University) who are also government or private sector employees and experts to broaden their knowledge of the UN on 26 November 2013 at UNIC Library.

UNIC Reference Assistant Nazanin Ghaemmaghami addressed them on how to retrieve UN information from UN, UNDP and UNIC websites. She also elaborated on basic UN facts and gave an overview of MDGs and focused on ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies, especially ESCAP as a regional commission. FAO and IFAD were also among the UN special agencies that were under focus. When introducing the UN observances, Ms. Ghaemmaghami emphasized on International World Toilet Day (19 November) and International Year of Microcredit (2005).
 Some 6 graduate students of rural development (Azad University) |
Persian copies of the United Nations Today, UN in Iran, the Millennium Development Goals Report 2013 were also distributed among participants of the three-hour workshop.